We try to find more about the error so far this is what we got from it.
So we run user data commands inside instance via SSH. Then error popped up when we run command for network artefacts.
Any suggestions??
We try to find more about the error so far this is what we got from it.
So we run user data commands inside instance via SSH. Then error popped up when we run command for network artefacts.
Any suggestions??
We couldn't find monitor during a hackathon and it cost the majority of our time to set up pi, this was the alternative that saved us back then.
Hope it will be helpful for you to @kowshik1729
@salmanfaris Thanks for reminding about windows machine partitions and insight about using Ext2Read.
For Linux users, can skip the process of installing PuTTy SSH Client since SSH client are installed in Linux by default.
Open terminal and type: **
Download and install deb package for VNC viewer.
Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and in developing countries. The original model became far more popular than anticipated, selling outside its target market for uses such as robotics. Usually, it does not include peripherals (such as keyboards and mouse ) or cases but they can be attached via the USB ports
Download the os image: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian
Then flashing the memory card for booting os (minimum 8 GB recommended, can use balenaEtcher)
After flashing open boot directory from the memory card
Replace “NETWORK-NAME” with your network name and
“NETWORK-PASSWORD” with the password of your network
Find the IP of raspberry-pi (Rpi)
You can install the Fing app in your smartphone and connect it to the same network as Rpi.
Then find the IP of Rpi.
Install PuTTY SSH client
Now to use VNC viewer
Download it from:https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/viewer
If the display is not available
Type sudo raspi-config
Go to advance settings.
Adjust resolution by selecting the appropriate one.
We are trying to build a blockchain-based solution for the forensic application of vehicular accidents. The accident data of the vehicle is stored to a blockchain network in hyperledger fabric, so that no one can tamper the data, only authenticated authorities who have access to the hyperledger fabric network ledger can access to it which we make use of the channel concept in the hyperledger framework.
So the data from the IoT device (currently we build an app to access data such as accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS from smartphones) is been transferred to the Hyperledger Fabric network. We try to create a Fabric network in the AWS blockchain template for Hyperledger Fabric. Then from this hyperledger fabric, all the organizations who are part of this network such as forensic, insurance, manufacturers etc, are the stakeholders who can access the data in the network via the channel (channels helps to bring abstractions ie each stakeholder will only know what is necessary for them).
So we try to create the blockchain network in AWS using Blockchain template for hyperledger fabric. The template for network creation is actually inside a cloud formation stack, which is a service provided by AWS, so we need to create the stack to create the network. Before creating this stack we need to create a VPC, EC2 instance, IAM roles and policies. So we follow according to the below youtube video to create it.
After completing all the above prerequisite, we need to create the template inside the stack. Inside the stack we need to provide stack with the name of the stakeholders in the network ie, forensic, manufacturers etc.. Name of the VPC, EC2 instance ID, all the prerequisite details we created earlier.
When clicking the create a stack, it takes some time to create it, after some time it shows the stack is getting failed and getting rollback, there will be two stacks one is a nested stack of the parent stack, which contains all the artefacts for the hyperledger fabric network it is one which gets failed first, then the parent stack which contains the link to the EC2 instance.
screenshot of the error
Integration part ie transferring data and accessing ledger can be done only after this stack creation and network spun up.
@arunksoman thanks,
I will look more into it. Thanks again
@arunksoman by usual steps I meant adding our user to the group.
ie the step
sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>
@arunksoman thanks for the steps
but the thing is I don't have issues with port now, I was curious how it got resolved without going through the usual steps but by using sudo command.
Please read full
This is the most common or the most probable error you might have seen if you tried coding Arduino, nodeMCU etc in Arduino-ide.
It might happen that when you upload a sketch - after you have selected your board and the serial port -, you get an error Error opening serial port ... If you get this error, we google it and the method to debug it is to set serial port permission.
this is the steps we followed to solve it. Even though the error stilled showed sometimes and had to use this code again.
Since I try different distros of Linux sometimes I end up corrupting the old distro and reinstalling it from the beginning.
This time I actually didn't follow these step but installed Arduino from the terminal using sudo apt install arduino command and run the code. The interface was completely different. The image below is the general interface of ide but installing it with sudo command give an ide with same screen but no setup{} or loop() part, a blank screen.
An error popped up about the port issue and solution to add the user to the group was mentioned in the terminal and followed the same command. After which the error never showed. I also snap installed arduino.
Now my question is : By installing arduino using sudo command did I install ide or supporting libraries and why did the error stop?