Hi @Anudeep ,
MP66050 is a Gyroscope + Accelerometer + Temperature Sensor Module ,
3-Axis Gyroscope
The 3 Axis Gyroscope is used to detect rotational velocity along the X, Y, Z axes as shown in the below figure.
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img src : https://www.electronicwings.com
The full-scale range of output is +/- 250, +/- 500, +/- 1000, +/- 2000 , and that is the angular velocity represented in units of rotations per minute (RPM), or degrees per second (°/s). The three axes of rotation are either referenced as x, y, and z, or roll, pitch, and yaw.
3-Axis Accelerometer
Accelerometers are devices that measure acceleration, which is the rate of change of the velocity of an object, it can be used to detect the angle of tilt or inclination along the X, Y and Z axes as shown in below figure.
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img src : https://www.electronicwings.com
They measure in meters per second squared (m/s2) or in G-forces (g). A single G-force for us here on planet Earth is equivalent to 9.8 m/s2, but this does vary slightly with elevation (and will be a different value on different planets due to variations in gravitational pull)
datasheet : https://www.invensense.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MPU-6000-Datasheet1.pdf