help needed in NodeMCU with Blynk integration .
This is vedio.see it., node muc don't connect ing to my jio modem. -
@shankar Saw the video. I would like to see your code along with the debugger outputs. Can you please post the code here??
Hi @shankar ,
First, try the NodeMCU as standalone and make sure that it's working fine without any problem. then try basic blynk programme with NodeMCU to understand the blynk Virtual Switch and Pin properties.
also please attach the code, so we can check the syntactical issues.
@salmanfaris I uploaded prg "standalone ssl"but nodemcu blue ligth blinking after it .no ligth and it not connecting to my phone
@shankar Sorry what code is it?? Stand alone?? Please share the snippet...!!
Open ardiuno ide -file -example-blynk-board wifi-stand alone ssl.
I see a vedio using prg to blinking a led with blynk app -
@shankar Like I said before, can you check a sample programme with NodeMCU.
try this basic sketch