NeoGram: ESP8266 and NeoPixel based Open Source Hardware Development board.
NeoGram is an ESP8266 based Open Source Hardware Development board aimed to provide experiments on NeoPixels (WS2812B) using ESP8266.
NeoGram is Powerd by ESP8266-12E Module which is encapsulated Tensilica L106 integrates industry-leading ultra low power 32-bit MCU micro, with the 16-bit short mode, Clock speed support 80 MHz, 160 MHz, supports the RTOS, integrated Wi-Fi MAC/BB/RF/PA/LNA, on-board antenna. The 12 of the WS2812B can be programmed individually as maker wishes to make their project colourful
- 12 x Programmable WS2812B
- Plug and Play
- Inbuilt WiFi
- Inbuilt USB to UART
- Inbuilt Voltage Regulator
- Reset button
- Power led
- MicroUSB port for programming and debugging
- The USB port can act like serial port, keyboard, mouse, joystick or MIDI!
- Powered by ESP8266-12E - 32 bit, running 3.3v at 160 MHz
- Arduino Compatible
- Micropython Compatible
- OpenSource Hardware
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OSHWA Certification: -
Open Source Hardware Certification