Autodesk Eagle Library for Espressif ESP32-PICO-D4 (QFN49 LF77)
I was tried searching the eagle library for ESP32-PICO-32 for designing an ESP32 based project. But unfortunately, i couldn't find the best one that i could use in my design. So i made the Eagle library for ESP32-PICO-D4 and used it in my design. Here i posted the link to the library file. Enjoy your PCB designing!
Eagle library is now uploaded to my GitHub account: -
Thanks for sharing
, are you planning any project on that. @kowshik1729 check this out.
@salmanfaris Thanks for tagging me. I have already designed a PCB with ESP32 PICO D4 which is the new MCU series from espressif. @Suhailjr I have found the footprint very easily from snapEDA. Here it is
Anyways the one you made is very nice too. Awesome, thanks for sharing
@kowshik1729 @salmanfaris thank you!
kowshik I was using that earlier but the symbol design looks bigger to me and the symbol i designed is exactly looks like Limon Fried's eagle library but unfortunately, she has not shared it yet. @salmanfaris i am planning to build a dev board using esp32 pico d4 with multiple built-in features!
@Suhailjr That sounds cool, keep us updated
@Suhailjr That's cool. Let us know about the board when you start it.