Run Telegram Bot on Raspberry Pi 🤖

Learn how to use the Telegram Bot, host a Telegram Bot on  your Raspberry Pi, and use the messaging app to interact with  your device.

Step 1: Open Telegram app in your system or mobile

1.1 Open Telegram app in your system or mobile

Download from here: Telegram1.2 Start "BotFather"

1.3 Open "BotFather"

1.4 Start "BotFather"

1.5 Create a new Bot

Add an imageDelete this imageBot: Salmanfaris_bot1.6 Obtain access token

Step 2: Setup Raspberry Pi

For detailed Raspberry click here.Note: If you already set the Pi then skip this section.

Step 3: Install TelegramBot on Raspberry Pi

3.1 Open Putty

3.2 Connect Pi via SSH

3.3 Install  "Python Package Index"

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Note: Make sure Pi has internet access

3.4 Install "telepot"

sudo pip install telepot

Step 4: Run the Python Code

4.1  Clone the git

git clone

4.2 Paste your Bot Token here

bot = telepot.Bot('Bot Token')

Note: 1.6 for more details4.3 Run the Code


All set, now time to connect the Pi and LED.

Step 5: Connect LED to Pi

Step 6: Send Command

6.1 Start our Bot

6.2 Send "on" & "off"

Look at your Pi, you can see the LED on and off when you send "on" and "off" to our bot. Thank You!